Friday, September 19, 2008

Rock Band 2 awesomeness

I picked up Rock Band 2 this week. It kind of snuck up on me, and I wasn't all that excited about its release date. I've started playing it a bit, and the thing that's stood out to me the most has been the new system calibration they've put in.

In the first Rock Band (and all the Guitar Heros, for that matter) I'd have trouble hitting a long string of successive notes. I know it probably has to do a lot with the fact that I have no rhythm and whatnot, but it was always a problem for me.

Somehow, Rock Band 2 has magically solved this with their calibration. Unlike the first Rock Band, they have both an audio and video calibration. When I went through the calibration process, it claimed that I had no video latency in my system, but I had 110 ms of audio latency. Hm. That's odd, I thought. But I went with it and started playing.

WOW. What a difference it made! I now actually feel like I'm hitting sequential notes when I strum them, and I'm able to hit long repeated sequences with way fewer problems than before. Thanks, Harmonix!

The calibration and the Rage Against The Machine song have totally validated my purchase!


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THis is......SPINAL TAP-

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