Thursday, December 08, 2005

news... big news

We bought a house in Reston! More details to follow...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

night owl

Why am I always so productive late at night? I'm working on a presentation for my last grad class tomorrow. Trackerless BitTorrent is neat.

I'll be happy when I'm done with school. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2005


We got back from our honeymoon in Thailand a couple weeks ago... we had an amazing time. The hotels we stayed at in Bangkok and Phuket were incredible.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

new phone

I picked up the Sony Ericsson S710a last night. I'm pretty impressed with it so far, although I can't seem to access my Gmail account through POP3.

I'm looking forward to checking out the Bluetooth connectivity once I pick up my Powerbook. :)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

fireworks on the Mall

Allison, Susie, and I trekked down to the mall on Monday to catch the fireworks. I'm glad we did! Getting through security (boy I feel safer) was much smoother than the chaos two years ago. And the fireworks were impressive.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

stress level: low

I'm done with my grad class... only one more to go!

Now it's time to stress about the wedding.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

black helicopters

So, I've been up late studying a lot recently... and quite a few nights recently I've heard a bunch of loud helicopters flying overheard. I heard 3 tonight. Something odd, or just 2AM paranoia?

I'm so looking forward to taking my final exam tomorrow and being done with class for the semester. Only one more to go after this!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

martone dot org lives

Since I'm not looking for a job anymore, welcome to the new redirect for It would be nice if Yahoo Domains offered a masked forward without an ad frame, but oh well...

Class has been taking up quite a bit of my time since January. One more to go after this semester!

Allison and I have been playing around with Picasa and Hello recently. Well... mainly Allison. :) Cool programs though, check em out.