Monday, March 13, 2006


What an opening episode for the Sopranos... Tony's not dead. He can't be... not with 19 episodes left!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


While vacuuming today we decided to take off the floor registers.  Whoah.  Scary stuff.  One of the registers had about two inches of dirt in the ductwork underneath.  I also found rubber bands, cigar wrappers, washers, sticks, a piece of drywall, and a Lego spear.

Then we vacuumed under the fridge.  Even scarier.  The coils were enrobed in probably an inch or two of dust.

Did the previous owners just never clean anything?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

posting from the Mac dashboard widget...

OS X!  OS X!  OS X!

now what?

So, I finished my master's degree.  It will feel a lot more official once I get my diploma.

Should I go to graduation?  It's a whole 2 months away... it seems it would be pretty anti-climactic.